How Do You Know If You Are Addicted to Porn or Sex?

Addiction to porn or sex can have severe consequences for your mental and physical health, as well as on your relationships and daily life. However, unlike other substance addictions, the signs of porn or sex addiction can be more difficult to define. 

Recognizing the signs of porn or sex addiction is the first step you can take in determining whether you have an addiction. While this is not an easy conversation to have – with yourself or with others – it’s important to consider the common signs. 

From obsessive thoughts to loss of control, and increased tolerance to withdrawal symptoms, there are significant signs that point to an underlying addiction to porn or sex. Take your time reading through each common sign of porn and sex addiction, and have the courage to be honest with yourself.  If you do feel like you have an addiction, know that you are not alone.  Millions of men and women around the world have struggled with porn and sex addiction, and there are a variety of resources to help you (I reference a few at the end of this post).

Sign #1: You spend a significant amount of time watching porn or engaging in sexual activities 

Porn is just something guys do, right? We’re supposed to have a hard exterior, never let anything get us down, and we’re supposed to look at porn. These are just the rules of the game. 

That’s what society may have you believe. But if you find yourself spending significant amounts of time each  day watching porn or engaging in (or fantasizing about) sexual activities, it could be a sign of addiction. 

Mainstream society has us believe that porn is a normal way for us to release stress. And many men believe watching porn is just a habit or entertainment. They can stop at any time and not be affected by it. 

For most people, this is not the case. Our brains are not equipped to handle the overstimulation that comes from highly sophisticated porn videos and constant sexual stiumulation. Each image, video, or encounter, while pleasurable in the moment, often leaves us feeling depleted and unsatisfied. 

If you find yourself spending significant amounts of your time engaging in sexual activities, including watching porn, even when it is not appropriate or desired, you may have an addiction. 

Sign #2: You have difficulty controlling your behavior

The American Psychological Association defines addiction as dependence on a substance or behavior. If you are unable to go a few hours or days without watching porn or participating in sexual activities, even when you want to or when it is causing problems in your life, it may be a good time to seek professional help. 

Like many men who are addicted to porn and sex, you may believe these habits are harmless. But, the neurological effects of addiction are far from benign. A study completed in 2011 found that addictions create chemical, anatomical, and pathological changes in your brain. 

What starts as a stress-relieving act can quickly turn into compulsive and damaging behavior. If you have a hard time avoiding porn or other sexual acts, consider finding a professional to speak to or seeking out a support group or 12-step program. 

Sign #3: You continue to watch porn or engage in sexual acts despite the negative consequences 

We  often turn to porn and sex as an escape from the pressures of our everyday life. In the case of watching porn, the people on the screen expect nothing from you. You are free to get sucked into mindless sexual activities and disappear from the responsibilities of life.

The truth is that watching porn or engaging in sexual activities regularly leads to negative consequences. As I mentioned earlier in this post, the effects of porn and sex addiction can even cause real and tangible damage to your body.  

What starts as an escape quickly turns into a numbing response to the things and people you care about. If you find that watching porn or thinking about sex interferes with your daily life, relationships, or finances, it may be a sign of addiction. 

Sign #4: You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop watching porn or having sex

Withdrawal symptoms are physical or emotional changes that occur when you stop using a substance or engage in a behavior that you are addicted to. 

Some common withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction to porn or sex include

  • Anxiety: You may feel anxious or agitated when you are unable to watch porn or engage in sexual behaviors. 

  • Depression: You may experience feelings of sadness or hopelessness after watching porn or having sex. 

  • Irritability: You may become easily frustrated or angry when you try to stop watching porn or having sex.  

  • Difficulty concentrating: You may have trouble focusing on tasks or activities that do not involve porn or sexual behaviors. 

  • Insomnia: You may have difficulty falling or staying asleep due to withdrawal symptoms.

  • Fatigue: You may feel tired or exhausted as a result of these withdrawal symptoms.  

It’s important to note that the severity and duration of these withdrawal symptoms vary greatly from person to person. If you are experiencing any of these withdrawal symptoms as a result of reducing or stopping your use of porn or sexual activities, it is important to seek help and support from a professional. 

Sign #5: You have developed a tolerance for porn or sex 

Tolerance occurs when you need more and more of a substance or behavior to achieve the same effect. In the case of porn or sex addiction, tolerance can manifest in several ways:

  1. Increasing the frequency or duration of porn use or sexual activity: You may find that you need to engage in these behaviors more frequently or for longer periods to feel satisfied. 

  2. Seeking out more extreme or risky forms of porn or sexual activity: You may find you need to engage in more extreme or risky behaviors to feel the same level of pleasure or excitement. 

  3. Decreased satisfaction: You may find you are no longer able to achieve the same level of satisfaction from porn or sex as you used to. 

If you find you need to watch more and more extreme or frequent porn, or engage in more frequent or risky sexual activities, to get the same pleasure or arousal, it could be a sign of addiction. 

Sign #6: You are losing interest in other activities

Addiction can often lead to a loss of interest in other activities that were once enjoyable. If you find you are no longer interested in hobbies, sports, or social activities that you used to enjoy, and instead spend most of your time watching porn or thinking about sexual activities, it could be a sign of addiction. 

The loss of interest in other activities can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from those around you, as you may no longer have the same social connections or support systems. It can also lead to chasms in your closest relationships. Seeking help to remedy this addiction can help you rebuild interest in life and re-engage in social and recreational passions. 

Sign #7: Your relationships are suffering

Addiction can have a significant negative impact on relationships. It can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, as you may prioritize porn or sex over commitments to your partner or family. 

You may find that you are less interested in spending time with your partner, which leads to greater feelings of isolation and neglect. This type of relationship strain is difficult to remedy. 

If you find your relationships have more secrets, mistrust, and conflict because of your focus on porn or sex, there are strategies that can help you. A professional can work with you to develop a treatment plan to support rebuilding trust and communication in your relationships.

If you find that your relationships with friends and loved ones are suffering because of your porn or sex addiction, it is important to seek the right help. 

Sign #8: You are experiencing physical or emotional problems

Addiction to porn or sex can have serious physical and emotional consequences. These can include depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and problems with intimacy. From physical disorders to emotional and mental anguish, there are many potential side effects of porn and sex addiction. 

If you have experienced the following physical or psychological effects, you may want to consider seeking help:

  1. Loss of sleep due to your addiction

  2. Decreased energy 

  3. Physical discomforts, such as headaches or muscle tension

  4. Depression 

  5. Anxiety

  6. Shame, embarrassment or guilt about your behaviors or secrets

  7. Low self-esteem 

If you are experiencing any of these signs of addiction to porn or sex, you should know there is no shame in seeking help. There are countless resources available to assist you in overcoming your addiction, including therapy, support groups, and self-help books. 

Individual therapy can help address the underlying issues that may contribute to the addiction, such as past trauma, low self-esteem, or relationship problems. Group therapy can provide support and accountability, as well as the opportunity to learn from other courageous people working to overcome addiction. 

Support groups, such as Sexaholics Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, or Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, can provide a sense of community and support if you’re working to overcome addiction. These groups follow a 12-step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous and can be transformational on your treatment journey. 

Transitioning out of  sex or porn addiction is not easy. But with truth and courage, healing can happen. I know this because I’ve been there, climbing my very own addiction mountain every day.  The most important piece of advice I can share with you is that, if you do feel like you have an addiction, don’t be ashamed or embarrassed about it.  

Feelings of shame, guilt or embarrassment are uncomfortable, and to avoid those feelings you might be driven back into the numbing and distraction of porn or sex; the exact thing you are trying to avoid.  I know that was the cycle I was in until I was finally able to break it.  So have compassion for yourself.  With compassionate attention you may find, as I did, that your addiction becomes a gateway to growth, healing, and living a more fulfilling life than you ever imagined was possible for yourself. 

Sign up for my newsletter to get the first chapter of my sex and porn addiction memoir and read my first-hand account of overcoming sex and porn addiction. I’m proof you can overcome your addiction and live a life you don’t have to escape from.