“If I want to live a new, honest, and conscious life, I have to move forward and create it.”
- Jason Portnoy
About Jason
Author of Silicon Valley Porn Star
I had a life many men dream of: money, titles, cars, women. Then one day it all came crashing down, and I realized that deep inside I was miserable, lonely, and scared. Where did I go wrong? A lifetime of messages from society told me if I had those things I’d be a “real man” and happy.
It was all a lie.
After years of intense work and study, I learned I couldn’t find happiness in material possessions or validation from society. It only existed inside of myself. In my book, I share the story of how it happened: my rise, my fall, and my redemption.
It took almost losing everything I held dear in my life to learn these lessons, and as I climbed out of a very dark place, I realized I was not alone. Many of us struggle with similar stories. I share my story so those of you going through difficult times know you’re not alone. There is hope, and a way out of the dark.
We don’t need to be ashamed of our mistakes. We can embrace them, learn from them, and share them so we can learn from each other. Perfection is not the goal. The goal is to keep climbing.
I wish you all the best on your journey.